Get a Confident Smile with Orthodontic Treatment Cape Town


Healthy straight teeth and an appealing smile can definitely boost your self-confidence. With the help of advanced orthodontic treatment Cape Town options people of all age groups can straighten their misaligned teeth and get a confident smile without enduring much discomfort.

Orthodontic treatment addresses complicated dental irregularities such as protruding teeth, overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and openbites effectively.



Effective Treatment Solutions

To obtain exceptional benefits from orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to utilize the services of an experienced Orthodontist in South Africa. The Best Orthodontist Cape Town study your specific tooth irregularities and alignment of teeth and jaws through x-rays, photographs and bite impressions. Depending on their observations, treatment procedures with orthodontic braces including conventional metal braces, Invisalign braces, or ceramic braces are planned instantly.

Metal braces- Compared to other dental braces, stainless steel metal braces are highly economic. They come with metal wires and brackets and are popular among children as they can wear different colored ligatures.


Ceramic braces- Often referred to as tooth-colored braces, these are made of translucent material and therefore are less visible. These braces provide better cosmetic appeal and are preferred by most of the adults.


Invisalign braces- Invisalign Cape Town aligners are custom-made according to the bite impressions of your teeth. These braces straighten your teeth without using metal wires or brackets. Invisalign aligners are removable, making it convenient for the users to eat, drink, brush and floss in the normal style. They are virtually invisible, so patients can keep the treatment details hidden from others.


Treatment Duration

Generally, Orthodontic treatment procedures with these braces can be completed within one to three years. In the course of the treatment the patients are advised to consult the orthodontist every four to eight weeks. This would help the doctor to evaluate the progress of the treatment and make necessary modifications.

Through orthodontic treatment, permanent solutions can be obtained for your major dental anomalies. Perfectly aligned teeth and a confident smile can make you more dynamic in life.


