How Braces in Cape Town Help in Straightening Teeth

Braces help in correcting crowded or crooked teeth. If you have a misaligned jaw, you can have it fixed with dental braces. These are used when you are still in your adolescent age which is the perfect time to get them as you still have the healthy gums which support the wires. The statistics show that adults are getting corrective braces later in life. Braces in Cape Town are made up of many types of materials. It can be metal or ceramic, wires, and bonding material. These Braces are connected to your teeth and help in joining it with your jaw.

Your Orthodontist Cape Town will fix your misaligned teeth with the help of such devices. Also, the Best Orthodontist in Cape Town advises you based on your treatment goals and your age. There are a couple of different types of orthodontics that help in fixing your misaligned jaw and unstraightened teeth like for example, retainers or Invisalign. Metal mouths have been very popular for decades and people have shown real concern with the metal braces. Braces work by applying continuous pressure on your teeth which helps in slowly moving your teeth in a specific direction. The orthodontist calls this process remodeling. Remodeling is the process of sprucing up your nashor's so that they can be enjoyed to their fullest potential.

Different types of braces

The types of orthodontic braces solely depend on your age and your condition of crooked teeth. Braces Cape Town are made in a customized way so that it can fit every individual based on their jawline and gums. The metal braces are the classic ones which are very common. And when we think of braces, these are the ones that pop into our heads. The metal braces Cape Town are a little support that is put on the teeth. They are beautiful and are used for managing complicated cases.

Ceramic braces are very similar to metal braces in Cape Town but you won't see those metal brackets. Instead, you will have a clear line so they are less visible to the eyes of people.

Clear aligners are also very chosen in terms of braces. They are clear and are not noticeable from the outside. They are made from thermoplastic material. They are very easy to put on and off your teeth and you can do anything while having them.

Some more other types of braces are:

  • Archwire moves your teeth gently and is shifted out by your Orthodontist Cape Town.
  • Lingual braces are placed behind your teeth and no one can find out if you have any type of braces on your teeth.

Retainers are also a type of aligner trays that are given after you have finished the treatment of wearing braces for a period of time. They help keep your teeth right in its place.

Can wearing braces be painful?

This is seriously the most concerned question of people getting the treatment done. Installing the braces on your teeth is not painful but the days following it might be very hard. This is very natural as your teeth are not used to these types of treatments. You will be very uncomfortable in the beginning and will then eventually be very okay for you. You will be advised to take pain reliever meds which will help a lot in easing out your pain.

Is there a separate procedure for adults and children?

The process involved in installing the braces is the same for adults and children. The only difference being is that in your adolescent age, your jawline is still moving which helps in giving an end finishing to your braces. During this stage, your jawline has more flexibility and is more responsive to the treatment.

When your teeth respond much more quickly to the treatment, the process won't take much time to finish. To get much better treatment on straightening your teeth, you are advised to start it as soon as possible. book a private Orthodontist in South Africa online and get the "perfect smile".
